Momma and Daddy took me to the doctor yesterday! Not a whole lot to report about the visit. I came in at exactly 8LBS and 1OZ which means at 1 week I weighed exactly what I weighed when I was born. Everyone was pleased!
We all talked about my sore bottom. The doctor gave some advice on how to help it a bit, but said there wasn't much that could be done until I calmed down on pooping. He did confirm it was just a basic, but nasty, diaper rash caused by me pooping all the time.
After the doctor I got to meet my Nonnie and my family that lives with her! It was a special treat! I like when people play pass the baby! I get extra snuggles. I like snuggles.
I slept ALL DAY yesterday. Momma was scared that would mean I'd be up all night. But I wasn't. Even so, momma had something called a "headache" and daddy came down to feed me at 5AM. That was a special surprise. I like my daddy. By the time I was brought upstairs for the day, momma said she was starting to feel better. I'm glad. She looked pretty rough at 2AM. But she still loved on me. She called me good medicine.
Anyway, time to go back to sleep! I'm a tired baby. It's hard work being this cute all the time!